Thursday, September 2, 2010

the object and the negotiation

Art-making is a constant negotiation. Between the world, its movements, this city, a job, family, personal roadblocks. As a child, I looked at the artist as free from restraints, free to create, to make, to live outside of the every day negotiations that seemed to plague the non-creative. I see this as a faulted view now. No one is unrestrained. The artist almost has a more difficult relationship with these factors, as she is constantly clawing out time in the day to create, paving a route that walks between the fantastic creative spirit and the world. I wonder, if given all the time in the world, what kind of art would she create? I believe that it is this relationship with the social order, the daily grind, the negotiations made with time and interest management that make the desire stronger. The work is at times a response or a release from social restraints. It comes from a place that is here and now. The negotiation is as much a part of the art as the object.

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